Thursday, 6 November 2014


Relax, Create and Integrate: An exhibition.

Exhibition from Friday 30th October to Saturday 8th November 

Savera Resource Centre presents an exhibition at West End Gallery. The Photographs, ceramics, and art work by mental health service users from our Asian community are the culmination of a nine month, National Lottery funded, programme of arts and therapeutic activity that has taken place at Savera.

Photographer Mona- Lisa Cooke, visual artist Jane Dearden, and ceramicist Fiona Meagher and florist Nicola Ward, have run workshops at Savera to create pieces for the exhibition. The project has also included other hands on activities as well as therapy sessions.

The group celebrate their achievements

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Water colour workshop with Ian Mitchell

Water colour session  with artist and illustrator, Ian Mitchell

We had another lovely group of people attending yesterday's morning water colour workshop with Ian Mitchell, they tackled landscapes very successfully.

It was interesting to have cameraman Chris in the gallery, filming Ian at work. I think everyone was so absorbed with their painting, they quite forgot he was there!

The Next water-colour workshop with Ian, will be on Wednesday 10th December 2014 at 10.30am. Cost £12.00.  For booking and information contact, Gillian, 
telephone 0116 222 7886 
or e.mail:

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Shedding- An Exhibition of Art by Five Distinctive Artists

SHEDDING an exhibition by five distinctive artists, to celebrate their achievements and showcase a wide range of work. 

In May 2014, six mature students, Penny Ford, Annie O'Connor, Angie Packer, Jo Parker and Harriet Walker, completed their final year of their Foundation Degree in Art and Design at De Montfort University, Leicester
This eclectic group of artists forged a special bond during the three year course, working together to develop their love of art.They all achieved distinction in their chosen media -photography, ceramics, collage, film, painting and textiles - and now have created this exhibition to enable the individual artists to share their own experiences with the wider world, hoping to inspire others to take up the challenge and join the adventure.

Annie O'Conner says, " Shedding is a celebration of the achievements of all the students on the course and showcases the wide range of work we produced over the past two years.W'ed love it if you would be part of our journey."

Sunshine on Sheddings

The Preview evening was well supported and saw the gallery full of interested folk sharing in 'the achievements and art adventure. Our thanks to all involved and our very best wishes to all five artists as you continue  through the many experiences you will meet on this journey.  

Artist Angie Packer talks to guests beside her striking images .

Artists Annie O' Conner, Jo Parker and Harriet Walker chat with guest in front of Annie's inspiring prints.

Artist Penny Ford discusses her textural, mixed media trio.

BE CREATIVE - Autumn Half Term Workshops for Children

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Work Experience at the West End Gallery

Hello, I'm Imogen Slater and I am currently a year 10 student at Countesthorpe Community College and I am coming to the end of my 2 week work experience placement at the West End Gallery. 

I have enjoyed my placement here as everyday I have had something different to do, which has kept the two weeks interesting and enjoyable and has also given me a better idea of what it is like in the world of work. I have helped with the general up keep of the gallery by polishing the glass, sweeping, mopping, dusting, watering the plants etc. I have also helped pack the Leysland High School exhibition away and then helped put up the Summer exhibition. I've had to make the labels for each painting in the gallery and also have sorted the invoices for the gallery. I have repainted the gallery reception desk and reorganized it. I have also reorganized the room in which the artists work is kept. I also had to repaint the plinths, which present sculptures and retouched the wooden borders with a fresh coat of paint. Throughout the day I have been making tea and coffee for the employees and also talking to the customers and artists that have come into the gallery to browse or for framing. I have made phone calls to customers and a regular job has been to price greetings cards and also make up packs of cards. 

I'd like to thank all the staff for making me feel so welcome and making it 2 weeks an enjoyable, valuable experience. 

A group of paintings, crafts and sculpture that I have enjoyed at the gallery.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Leysland School at West End Gallery

How fantastic to have the opportunity to host an exhibition by Leicestershire School, Leysland, Countesthorpe and exhibit a selection of their pupils work from the past year. The body of work selected for the exhibition demonstrated the wealth of young creative talent, featuring work from pupils aged between 11 years to 14 years, in painting, photography, clay, papiermache and ICT. 
Congratulations to Ellie Clarke (Year 9) West End Gallery Award Winner and to Phil and Martin for their commitment to Art teaching. We will look forward to next year's exhibition  to be held during May Half Term 2015.

Please contact 0116 222 7886 for information about gallery hire. 

Maria Bragoli - Fine Art Photography

Fine Art photographer Maria Bragoli
From Friday 4th June, new, stunning images by Maria in the Summertime Exhibition, first seen at 'Beyond Contemplation' last month. Containing subjects, evocative of seasides past, with subtle colour and moody skies, these make beautiful images for any space.